Dare to soar

So many of us like eagles take our flight towards our destiny and when we meet the storms of life we flounder and fail to rise up and soar. But you are called to soar since your existence to go beyond the bounds of mediocrity. So what will it take?

First we must identify one of the main storms of life. It is called fear. Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles describes fear as ‘fantasises experienced as reality’; and Susan Jeffers author of ‘Feel the Fear and do it Anyway’ endorsed this by saying that ‘we create our own reality’ fear imprisons us and we become paralysed.  Fear is dis-empowering and may lead to depression, anger, poor relationships, self-pity and helplessness, and unassertiveness.

Does your fantasy scare you so much that you do not dare to soar? If you are experiencing your fantasies as reality and it causes you pain - release those fantasies, face the storms of life and discover what skills and personal qualities you will need to nurture in order to soar beyond the bounds of your prison of mediocrity.

You will need to develop and nurture the following skills:

  • Set personal goals, gives you a sense of direction and purpose for life.

  • Manage your time well, it will reduce your stress and increase your efficiency.

  • Possess good assertiveness skill. This skill will enhance your communication and relationship skills.

You will need to have an attitude of courage, vigour and strength, this means that if you dare to soar you must be a self-starter in other words, have burning desire to soar; you need to be motivated and focused; what you focus on, you inevitably will move towards; what every you visualise within the recesses of your mind will materialise.  You will need to take control of your thoughts, let go of those limiting beliefs that do not serve you and keep a positive mental attitude.

If you want your existence to make a difference, if you want to live a fearless life, if you want to experience positive and enhanced relationships, be inspired to love yourself and others and then dare to soar. T.D. Jakes author of ‘Reposition Yourself’ says that we need to design an environment that is conducive to where we want to go. I believe that if your mental environment is fearful then it is not conducive to you’re a positive destination, use this negative environment to understand the messages it contains and reposition yourself. It may be that you have surrounded yourself with the wrong support system. I therefore encourage you to go out there and surround yourself with eagles who dare to soar.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Counselling Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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Slough, Berkshire, SL1
Written by Angela Sterling-Noel
PG Cert (BACP) Registered Therapist
location_on Slough, Berkshire, SL1
Counselling and Psychotherapy for adults, couples, children and young people suffering with depression and anxiety, stress, bereavement, ADHD, phobia, and the effects of sexual abuse.

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