Walking the creative path

07877 453 477 07877 453 477
17th January 2017, 12.00am - 12.00am
Open to all
Spectrum, 7 Endymion Road, London, N4 1EE

An on-going group with Sophie Waterhouse

Whether you write, paint, sing, take photographs, are someone who dreams of creating a beautiful garden or planning a new adventure, the creative path is one that presents particular challenges as well as joys.

Working on a creative project often confronts us with our inner critic. How do you maintain enthusiasm and persevere creatively when part of you casts doubt on your abilities? External criticism and rejection can also stop us in our tracks. How do you support yourself emotionally and practically in a culture in which creativity is not always valued unless accompanied by fame and fortune, rewards which, if achieved, then bring their own complications?

This group offers a regular forum for exploring creativity and finding support in being creative. Group work provides an opportunity for sharing experience with others, overcoming isolation and getting useful, constructive feedback.

The group meets at Spectrum six Tuesday evenings per term from 7pm to 9:30pm. The dates for the winter term are Tuesdays 17th and 31st January, 14th and 28th February, 14th and 28th March 2017. 

I ask that you commit to a minimum of two terms.

The fee for the group is £225 per term.

Please call me on 07877 453477 for more information and to reserve a place. There will be a maximum of eight participants in the group.

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Hosted by Sophie Waterhouse

A BACP accredited & registered humanistic psychotherapist, I trained in Counselling Psychology with Expressive Arts Therapy at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Since 2007 I have continued my training, supervision & personal work at Spectrum where I am a practitioner. In addition to working with clients I write fiction.

Hosted by Sophie Waterhouse