The drama of improvisation

07490 417 120 07490 417 120
1st April 2017, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
Cost: £95 (£85 if booked before 10th March 2017)
CCPE, Beauchamp Lodge, Warwick Crescent, London, W2 6NE

Improvisation and drama provides a glorious insight into how we interact with the world. It involves trust and our ability to let go of our own agendas. To improvise, we need to be totally in the moment - or it falls flat. Learning to comfortably co-create together, helps to get the best out of each other. It taps into parts of ourselves that are underused both in our work and our lives. When improvising, we are confronted with our willingness to risk. There is no safety until you realise that the need for safety is what is getting in the way. How can the skills of improvisation translate into therapy and supervision? How can it not!

Shane O’Brien is a therapist and supervisor and was an actor and singer for many years. Recognising the need for unity in diversity, he has been involved in the fields of personal development and community development for over 25 years.

Robin Shohet has been supervising since 1977. He has a practice in London and Findhorn, Scotland and specialises in group supervision. He is co-author with Peter Hawkins of Supervision in the Helping Professions and editor of Passionate Supervision and Supervision as Transformation.

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