Sex without stress

01672 562 560 01672 562 560 / 07885 201 972 07885 201 972
19th May 2017, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
2, Old Hughenden Yard, High St, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 1LT

There is a difference between sex and being in an intimate relationship with someone. Both are an essential part of a long-term relationship. When couples come to you for counselling, this is an area which usually needs to be addressed in the therapeutic process and one which is often difficult for a couple to broach initially. 

For some, discussing such an intimate, private topic may come heavily laden with anxiety, embarrassment, denial or even avoidance. It is safe to say that the issues which couples bring into counselling invariably have an effect on their sexual relationship. And to have an understanding of how their sexual relationship is being affected as a direct result of these issues is key to your working with couples.

This workshop explores how to work affectively with sex and intimacy in the couple relationship.

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Hosted by Geoff Miles

Geoff Miles and Helen Payne-Kumar run their business, See For Miles Ltd, in Old Hughenden Yard, Marlborough, Wiltshire. Providing counselling and psychotherapy treatment and training courses in their offices nestled away in a quiet mews just off the High Street.