Mindfulness for healthy living practice day/workshop (MBCT/MBSR) - Sat 11 Oct 2014

07864 292 599 07864 292 599
11th October 2014, 10.30am - 4.00pm
Open to all
72 Holloway Road, Highbury/Islington, London, N7 8JG

Come along and practise mindfulness! Some places still available. This is for you if you're interested in experiencing mindfulness practice for the first time, or if you've done an eight-week mindfulness (MBCT/MBSR) course and would like to support your ongoing practice.

10.30am-3.30pm, with time to ask questions afterwards.

Mindfulness is a secular meditation-based approach, increasingly recognised as effective in managing stress, depression, anxiety, pain, chronic illness and preventing relapse of addictive behaviours. It is suitable for those who want to manage the ups and downs of everyday life, and those with a history of depression, chronic pain+illness, anxiety, stress and addictive behaviours.

The days are popular and spaces limited - booking is essential. £40 (concessions £25). Please bring vegetarian lunch to share.

Please contact the North London Buddhist Centre to book: 0207 700 1177

3.00-7.30pm Tues-Fri; 10.00am-1.30pm Saturdays, though times may vary.

For more information, including forthcoming courses (daytime and evening), visit www.mindfulnesstherapy.co.uk and www.northlondonbuddhistcentre.com

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