Manchester introductory mindfulness course - 31st January 2015

08454 589 944 08454 589 944 / 07961 327 828 07961 327 828
31st January 2015, 10.30am - 5.00pm
Open to all
South Manchester Quaker Meeting House, 82 Wythenshawe Road, Northenden, Manchester, M23 0DJ

Come to this one-day mindfulness retreat and be introduced to the awesome simplicity of what mindfulness could offer you - helping to empower you to live a more fulfilled and chosen way of life.

There is ever-growing interest in mindfulness, and its uses and benefits in self-managing conditions like anxiety, stress, depression, pain, or illness. It is also greatly appreciated for its simple capacity to empower individuals to live a more fulfilling and self-aware way of life, rather than existing on 'autopilot' all the time.

Mindfulness-based practices are becoming accepted by therapeutic, medical, caring and other professions as an important way to help people better manage their lives with choice and purpose, particularly if they experience challenging conditions like stress, anxiety, depression, pain or illness.

Many people in busy 21st century increasingly experience some degree of daily stress or anxiety. It's so easy to lose touch with ourselves and what is really important in our lives.

This one-day introductory workshop (10.30am - 5.00pm) facilitated by psychotherapist Aileen Ross will introduce gentle breathing exercises, and show how simple meditation can help ease both body and mind. You will be introduced to setting up a daily mindfulness practice and how it could make a real difference to your everyday life.    

Cost - £75. Participants are invited to bring food to share for lunch.
All other refreshments provided.

This course can be experienced as preparation for a more in-depth eight-week training programme in mindfulness which starts in February 2015. However, it can also simply be enjoyed on its own - a day away from everyday tasks, an opportunity for some time for you, or encouragement to recognise and ease everyday tension that may have built up over recent months.

If you would like to know more about this event, please contact:

Aileen Ross at:

If you prefer, then please ring Aileen
on 0845 458 9944 (low-rate number with confidential voice mail service). 

or 07961 327828 (mobile with confidential voice mail service).

To find out more information about mindfulness please visit website:

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Hosted by Aileen Ross

Aileen is a psychotherapist/supervisor and trainer of 20 years' experience, integrating mindfulness in her therapy. She has a longstanding meditation practice. Currently studying at Bangor University on a Masters in Mindfulness specialising in MBSR / MBCT, Aileen works within UK Network for Mindful-based Teachers' Good Practice Guidelines.