Manchester eight week mindfulness training course - Starts October 2015

08454 589 944 08454 589 944 / 07961 327 828 07961 327 828
7th October - 9th December 2015, 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Open to all
£285 for nine sessions and one day experiential retreat - (28th November 2015)
South Manchester Quaker Meeting House, 82 Wythenshawe Road, Northenden, Manchester, M23 0DU

Mindfulness for health, stress and emotional well-being

Come along to this eight session training course based in South Manchester starting in October 2015 to be introduced to the simplicity of what mindfulness can offer you in your life.

This course, on Wednesday evenings (7pm - 9.30pm) from October 7th to December 9th 2015 (with a one day retreat on Saturday 28th November), will be a mixture of experiential and theoretical mindfulness, drawing on core mindfulness theory and practice.

Training will include breath work, sitting meditations, body scans, mindful movement, body work and teachings about the theory and practice of mindfulness. There will be plenty of opportunity to apply the teachings and experiential meditations to your everyday life and to help set up a daily mindfulness practice of your own.

This course is open to both beginners and to people who have already meditated in other settings.

The training will use the mindfulness teachings of American Jon Kabat-Zinn and British Professor Mark Williams who have developed mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) alongside mindfulness from other professionals.

Mindfulness-based practices are becoming ever increasingly accepted by medical and other caring professions as an important way to help people manage their lives better with choice and purpose, particularly if experiencing conditions like stress, anxiety, depression, pain or illness.

On this training course you will be encouraged to do regular practice between sessions with the opportunity to have email contact with your trainer and other participants between sessions.

You will learn within a supportive group environment with experienced meditator, trainer and psychotherapist Aileen Ross. You will also receive hand-outs and copies of meditations as part of the training course to enhance your developing practice in mindfulness and practice at home between sessions.

The cost of the course for eight sessions and a one day retreat is £285.

To find out more about this event, and/or book a place please contact:

Aileen Ross on 0845 458 9944 (low-rate number with confidential voice mail) or mobile 07961 327828.

Or if you prefer then email Aileen at for more information.

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Hosted by Aileen Ross

Aileen Ross is a psychotherapist and trainer of 20 years' experience with 15 years' personal meditation practice. She integrates mindfulness within her therapy practice. Currently studying on a mindfulness masters degree at Bangor University Aileen works within UK Mindfulness Network Teachers' Guidelines and BACP professional ethics.