Learn how traumatic events in infancy create a lasting imprint throughout our life span

07989 621 488 07989 621 488
7th October 2017, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Counsellors and trainees
£120 (early bird fee £100)
The Wilbury Clinic, 64 Wilbury Avenue, Hove, BN3 3PY

Traumatic events in infancy create a lasting imprint throughout our life span. We re-experience and recreate our imprint in all our relationships, defences, coping strategies and decisions as we go through life. Eg. If we have experienced rejection, we will look for it, even expect it in all our relationships.

Traumatisation can affect the child's soul during or even before birth and can occur throughout one's life. The earlier the Traumatisation takes place, the greater the effect it has on the individual's development, therefore hindering the creation of healthy personality structures.

In this workshop, we will work towards an understanding of the impact of trauma in the soul and within the body, and how the mechanism of 'splitting' supports the personality structures we have used to survive and cope.

The 'split off' traumatised aspects of the self will not be available in our conscious awareness and may manifest as psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, addictive, avoidant or obsessive behaviours, isolation and/or physical illness.

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Hosted by Mal Thompson

Mal Thompson MA is a UKCP reg Gestalt psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer working with individuals, couples and groups in Brighton and London. Mal has extensive experience in the substance misuse field, and works creatively with the embodied experience of craving as a creative adjustment to trauma, attachment and relationship difficulties.