Introduction to mindfulness

07515 271 268 07515 271 268
21st January 2018, 2.30pm - 4.30pm
Open to all
re-CEntre Health Balhan, 260 Balham High Road, London, SW17 7AW

Why mindfulness?

Are you wondering about what mindfulness is about, and how it may improve your life?

Are you an experienced practitioner with an appetite for a gentle group practice and happy to bring your knowledge and experience?

You are most welcome to our two hour workshop and find out what is it about mindfulness that gets so many people interested and passionate about it.

It happens on Sunday 21st of January 2018 from 1.30pm to 3.30pm
in beautiful Re-centre Health in Balham.

Please book through this link:

During the workshop we will discuss some most important concepts underpinning the mindfulness philosophy and introduce you to simple exercises and routines that will help you to transform your life:

  • Exercises you can introduce to your daily routine
  • Gentle physical exercises to increase awareness of your body
  • Meditation based exercises.

It’s easy to spend our lives either in the in the past – remembering, regretting, missing, re-living, or in the future - worrying, inventing countless scenarios, or planning how to be a better “me”.

Each of those activities brings emotional responses which can make it seem that things are beyond our control. Mindfulness training teaches us to develop a distance to thoughts, feelings and emotions, as something that we DO, not who we ARE. Once we see that, we can be more in charge of our lives. By being fully aware of the present moment we take away the power of the past and the future over us.

Mindfulness practice can help with managing severe health conditions (chronic pain, depression, addiction, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) and some other mental health conditions), as well as generally improving quality of life.

We can learn to be more accepting, loving, “chilled out”, in effect improving greatly our sense of humour – which is quite a good outcome, especially for those around us!

"Mindfulness isn’t about trying to sniff the roses or avoid the smell of manure. It is about appreciating that we have a nose”

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Hosted by Anna Jezuita

Anna Jezuita counsellor and mindfulness trainer. with a passion for running mindfulness workshops. She believes that mindfulness practice is a tool for maintaining psychological hygiene, if you like "mental floss". ReCentre Health Balham booking link: