Hannah D'Souza

Verified Professional Verified Professional
Verified Professional

Every professional displayed on Counselling Directory has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.

Registered member MBACP (IdentityTherapies)
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

London SW11 & SW12
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Supervision details

As a supervisor in adherence with BACP (2018) values and ethics, my mission is to provide therapists with a safe confidential space, where I will strive to create a robust, authentic supervisory relationship, laying a secure foundation for supervisees to develop into their most optimal professional selves. I use a range of supervisory skills and interventions to empower supervisees and provide personalised support, mentorship and counsel that best reflects each supervisee’s level of expertise. I maintain my principles of respecting individual autonomy, building a strong supervisory alliance and maximising my availability through regular, well-structured online supervisory sessions, ensuring all supervisees are met wherever they are at.
My vision is to improve mental health throughout the nation, creating a successful and ethical supervisory space that nurtures this generation of psychotherapists and counsellors, who can go on to offer highly skilled and specialised therapy to those in need. This particularly includes therapists from minority groups like myself, who are under-represented in psychological fields and deserve to be recognised for their unique selves. I aim to progress culturally competent counselling as I believe irrespective of your culture, race and beliefs all individuals should have just and fair access to expert mental health support that is free from judgement, ignorance, prejudice and stigma.

I bring my authentic light-hearted, humorous and honest nature into my supervisory relationships, which ensures that supervisees experience comfort and trustworthiness crucial for developing their self-acceptance and growth with any professional challenges or ruptures they may face.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP)

BACP is one of the UK’s leading professional bodies for counselling and psychotherapy with around 60,000 members. The Association has several different categories of membership, including Student Member, Individual Member, Registered Member MBACP, Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Accred) and Senior Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Snr Acccred).

Registered and accredited members are listed on the BACP Register, which shows that they have demonstrated BACP’s recommended standards for training, proficiency and ethical practice. The BACP Register was the first register of psychological therapists to be accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).

Accredited and senior accredited membership are voluntary categories for members who choose to undertake a rigorous application and assessment process to demonstrate additional standards around practice, training and supervision.

Individual members will have completed an appropriate counselling or psychotherapy course and started to practise, but they won’t appear on the BACP Register until they've demonstrated that they meet the standards for registration. Student members are still in the process of completing their training.

All members are bound by the BACP Ethical Framework and a Professional Conduct Procedure.

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Key details

Wheelchair user access
Wheelchair user access

Wheelchair-accessible premises should have step-free access for wheelchair users and individuals who are unable to climb stairs. If a Counsellor's premises aren't step-free, they may offer alternative services such as telephone/web-based appointments, home visits, or meeting clients in different location, so you can choose the option that suits you best.

You can contact the Counsellor to discuss the options available.

Under the Equality Act 2010 service providers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that individuals with disabilities can access their service. You can read more about reasonable adjustments to help you to access services on the CAB website.

The Balham location is wheelchair-accessible

Type of session


Integrative Supervisor trained in Integrative Psychotherapy including Person-Centred, CBT and Psychodynamic/Attachment modalities

Hannah D'Souza
Hannah D'Souza