Malgorzata Zglinska

Verified Professional task_alt Verified Professional
Verified Professional

Every professional displayed on Counselling Directory has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.

Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

location_on London NW11 & SE1
Accepting new clients
Accepting new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

About me

Do you feel alone with your problems? Stressed up and anxious? Lonely and depressed? Unhappy in relationships? Full of anger? Mourning a loss? Looking for meaning and direction? If so why not come for a chat to see how I can help? Concessions and flexible times. Brief and long-term therapy.
I am best equipped to assist with the following issues:

    • Anxiety (GAD),  social anxiety and panic attacks
    • Worry and fear
    • Lack of self-belief and self-confidence
    • Depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm
    • Anger management
    • Guilt and shame
    • Addictions, phobias and OCD
    • Abuse and trauma
    • Relationship issues, loneliness and isolation
    • Family issues
    • Work related problems and stress
    • Eating disorders
    • Loss and bereavement
    • Feeling sad
    • Life transitions and change
    • Looking for / questioning the meaning of life
    • Spiritual crisis
    • Life coaching (from a therapeutic perspective)

I am a qualified counsellor (BACP registered) holding a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychosynthesis Counselling. I have been providing solution focused brief therapy ( 6 or 12 sessions) to clients in the NHS setting (GP Surgery). I have a significant experience of working with clients in a long-term or an open-ended arrangement. I also work as a bereavement counsellor.

Being an émigré myself, I understand your homesickness and cultural difference. For years I worked in the corporate world and experienced its pressures. I know what the loss of a job feels like or the stress of being pushed to your limits. Most probably I have also shared the pain of other losses in your life. I can help you to become more at peace with yourself and more aware of your life choices.

As a counsellor I have helped people from various walks of life and of different ages. I have assisted clients going through the midlife crisis to find meaning and a sense of purpose. I have made a difference to the lives of young people striving for individuation and uncertain about their personal and career choices. They have left with their self-esteem and autonomy restored, an8xd with a deeper understanding of themselves.

I look forward to working with you too!

First steps:

When you contact me by email or phone we will arrange an appointment. Come for a one off, with no obligation. Our first session will allow us to get to know each other. There will be room for you to ask questions about me and the counselling process and to share with me what brings you to counselling.
By the end of the session we will probably know if we want to work together.

Once we decide to continue we will discuss your needs, frequency of sessions and terms. We will agree on working together on a weekly basis for an initially specified number of sessions (usually 8 to 12). If the number of sessions turns out to be insufficient, we may decide to continue for longer. The ultimate goal of our work is for you to become your own counsellor and for me to become redundant to you.

“There’s nothing wrong with you that what’s right with you can’t fix.” Baruch Shalem

Training, qualifications & experience

Psychosynthesis, in which I qualified, is an integrative and transpersonal psychotherapy, which views a person not only as a physical, intellectual and emotional being, but also as a spiritual one. Psychosynthesis emphasises our creativity and imagination and trusts in our ability to grow through adversity. Psychosynthesis therapy embraces such techniques as free drawings, spontaneous imagery, guided visualisation, symbols and dreams.

Although Psychosynthesis is my core methodology where appropriate, I draw on other models of counselling – Gestalt, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Schema Therapy, Family Systems and Existential Therapy. In my practice I also employ Mindfulness, Sand Tray Therapy and elements of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Body Therapies.

I also believe in the healing value of playfulness and humour and I encourage such an attitude towards life in my clients.


PGDip in Psychosynthesis Counselling

CARIS Bereavement Counselling

Mindfulness for Counselling

CBT with Heart

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Certificate

Compassion Focused Therapy Certificate

Schema Therapy Certificate

Emotion Focused Therapy Certificate

Sexual Violence Training Certificate (Rape Crisis)

NLP Master

MSc (Hons) Cognitive Science

MA (Hons) English

BACP registered member

Member organisations

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP)

BACP is one of the UK’s leading professional bodies for counselling and psychotherapy with around 60,000 members. The Association has several different categories of membership, including Student Member, Individual Member, Registered Member MBACP, Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Accred) and Senior Registered Accredited Member MBACP (Snr Acccred). Registered and accredited members are listed on the BACP Register, which shows that they have demonstrated BACP’s recommended standards for training, proficiency and ethical practice. The BACP Register was the first register of psychological therapists to be accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). Accredited and senior accredited membership are voluntary categories for members who choose to undertake a rigorous application and assessment process to demonstrate additional standards around practice, training and supervision. Individual members will have completed an appropriate counselling or psychotherapy course and started to practise, but they won’t appear on the BACP Register until they've demonstrated that they meet the standards for registration. Student members are still in the process of completing their training. All members are bound by the BACP Ethical Framework and a Professional Conduct Procedure.

Accredited register membership

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
Accredited Register Scheme

The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).

This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

Areas of counselling I deal with


£55.00 - £60.00

Concessions offered for

  • check_circle OAPs
  • check_circle Students

Additional information

£55 for a video session.   I offer face to face sessions only in North Norfolk. 

When I work

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Mornings/afternoons/evenings. Concessions possible for those on a low income (to be discussed in the initial session). I offer lower fees for video sessions.

Further information

I provide counselling in both English and Polish.

Tekst polski:

Na czym polega terapia i w jaki sposób może pomóc?

Czy masz czasem wszystkiego dość? Nie możesz się dogadać z najbliższymi? Zamartwiasz się i lękasz o przyszlość? Walczysz z samotnością, depresją, nałogiem? Nie potrafisz pogodzić się ze stratą? Pytasz siebie, gdzie podziały się Twoje pragnienia i marzenia, Twoja radość życia, a nawet jego sens?

Jeśli dręczą Cię takie pytania, psychoterapia może okazać sie pomocna. Może wzmocnić wiarę w Twoje siły i przywrócić poczucie wartości własnej. Moze przynieść wewnętrzny spokój i poczucie spełnienia, może Cię wyzwolić z więzów uzależnień i pomóc żyć harmonijnie ze sobą i innymi.

Terapia oferuje możliwość szczerej, poufnej rozmowy z kimś kto wysłucha Cię z empatią i nie bedzie Cię osądzał. Terapeuta pracuje wspólnie z Tobą nad poprawieniem Twojej sytuacji. Terapeuta pomoże Ci w zyskaniu lepszego zrozumienia Twoich trudności, pomoże Ci ujrzeć problemy z dystansu i wielu perspektyw i pomoże w znalezieniu alternatywnych rozwiązań. Terapia będzie Cię wspierać w podejmowaniu trudnych decyzji i dokonywaniu korzystnych zmian w Twoim życiu.

Mam na imię Gosia. Jestem wykwalifikowana terapeutką i członkiem Brytyjskiego Stowarzyszenia Psychoterapeutów (BACP). Prowadzę terapię dla osób doświadczających różnych trudności (stany lękowe, stres, depresja, nałogi, trauma, problemy w relacjach rodzinnych i w pracy). Pracuję również z osobami zainteresowanymi rozwojem osobistym. Zajmuję się w terapią długoterminową, ale oferuję także terapię krótkoterminową ( 6 - 12 sesji). Jako terapeuta pracuję w organizacjach charytatywnych, sektorze prywatnym oraz w slużbie zdrowia (NHS).

W tej roli okazałam się pomocna wielu klientom, w różnym wieku i o różnym pochodzeniu, młodym ludziom pragnącym wybić się na niepodległość pomogłam w dokonaniu wyborów osobistych i zawodowych, tym w średnim wieku w odnalezieniu nadziei i celu. Odeszli z wyższą samooceną i głębszym zrozumieniem siebie samych.

Mogę pomóc, jeśli zmagasz się z którymś z poniższych problemów:

  • Stany lękowe, napady paniki i zamartwianie się
  • Depresja i myśli samobójcze
  • Napięcia, stres i złość
  • Niska samoocena
  • Żałoba i poczucie straty
  • Samotność, izolacja kulturowa
  • Samookaleczenia i trauma
  • Uzależnienia
  • Poczucie winy I wstyd
  • Zaburzenia jedzenia
  • Przemoc fizyczna, seksualna i psychiczna
  • Problemy domowe i w pracy
  • Trudności w związkach i relacjach z innymi
  • Ciąża i rodzicielstwo
  • Kryzys duchowy i utrata sensu życia
  • Rozwój osobisty

Oferuję terapię w Hendon, London Bridge, Edgware i w zachodnio-poludniowym Londynie (Shepherd's Bush i Hammersmith).

Cena: £50 - £70

Zapraszam do wspólnej pracy!

         ”Podróż tysiąca mil zaczyna się od jednego kroku.”


18A-18B North End Road, Golders Green, London, NW11 7PH

The Psychosynthesis Trust, 92-94 Tooley Street, London Bridge, London, SE1 2TH

Type of session

In person
Home visits

Types of client

Young people (13-17)
Adults (25-64)
Older Adults (65+)
Employee Assistance Programme

Key details

Wheelchair user access info
Wheelchair user access

Wheelchair-accessible premises should have step-free access for wheelchair users and individuals who are unable to climb stairs. If a Counsellor's premises aren't step-free, they may offer alternative services such as telephone/web-based appointments, home visits, or meeting clients in different location, so you can choose the option that suits you best.

You can contact the Counsellor to discuss the options available.

Under the Equality Act 2010 service providers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that individuals with disabilities can access their service. You can read more about reasonable adjustments to help you to access services on the CAB website.

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