What is EMDR therapy and how does it work?
As an integrative therapist, I work with clients in overcoming their challenges. Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an approach I have found to be highly effective in treating trauma-related disorders, anxiety and depression.

During an EMDR therapy session, I guide my clients through a series of bilateral stimulation exercises, such as eye movements or tapping. These exercises are thought to stimulate the brain's information-processing system and facilitate the reprocessing of traumatic memories. By processing these memories in a safe and supportive environment, my clients are able to integrate them into their understanding of the event and reduce the emotional distress associated with them.
In addition to its effectiveness in treating trauma-related disorders, EMDR therapy has also been shown to be an effective treatment for anxiety, depression and other mental health disorders. By addressing the root cause of these disorders, which is often unprocessed trauma, my clients are able to develop healthier coping strategies and increase self-awareness, leading to a reduction in symptoms.
I use EMDR therapy because I have seen firsthand the positive impact that it can have on my clients' lives. By helping individuals process traumatic memories and develop healthier coping strategies, EMDR therapy can improve overall well-being and increase resilience.
What is EMDR therapy and how does it work?
EMDR therapy, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing, is a therapeutic approach used to treat trauma-related disorders, anxiety and depression.
Traumatic memories are stored differently in the brain than other memories, which can lead to distressing emotions, thoughts and behaviours. EMDR therapy aims to help individuals process these traumatic memories by using bilateral stimulation exercises, such as eye movements or tapping. The bilateral stimulation is thought to activate both hemispheres of the brain, facilitating the reprocessing of traumatic memories.
What can individuals expect during an EMDR therapy session?
During an EMDR therapy session, the therapist will first gather information about the individual's background and the specific traumatic events or memories to be addressed in therapy. The therapist will then evaluate the individual's level of distress related to the traumatic memory and determine if EMDR therapy is appropriate for them. Then the therapist will guide the individual through a series of steps, including preparation, desensitisation, installation, body scan and closure.
The goal of each session is to help the individual process the traumatic memory, reduce the associated distress, and enhance overall well-being.
Why do therapists use EMDR therapy as a treatment approach?
Therapists use EMDR therapy as a treatment approach because it is an effective and evidence-based therapy that has been shown to help individuals overcome trauma-related disorders, anxiety and depression.
By processing traumatic memories and reducing associated distress, individuals are able to develop healthier coping strategies and increase self-awareness. EMDR therapy is a powerful tool that therapists use to help individuals improve overall well-being and increase resilience.
Did Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex talk about EMDR?
Yes, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has spoken publicly about his positive experience with EMDR therapy. He credits the therapy with helping him process and overcome traumatic experiences from his time as a military officer and a high-profile member of the royal family.