Menopause and how counselling can help
It's well known that going through the menopause can be a debilitating experience, with hot flushes coming on at any time of day or night, plus sleep insomnia making this period of time a difficult transition in women's lives.
What is not written about so much is the fact that the drop in hormones can also cause depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Coupled with lack of sleep and hot flushes, women can be left feeling unable to cope and with nowhere to turn to, feeling misunderstood in the workplace and at home.
Menopause can be something that most whisper about, huddled together in corners. They may feel embarrassed to talk about what's really going on for them, the brain fog that stops them from being quite so productive at work; getting tongue-tied over that word that we suddenly can't think of.
On top of the physical and mental symptoms, this is also often a time of transition in our life. We may be facing teenagers leaving home for university for the first time; dealing with elderly parents; thinking about that last big career change; coping with bereavement or separation; wondering what our purpose in life is going to feel like as we grow closer to old age.
We also have to face the psychological effect of knowing that our body no longer is able to reproduce; this can leave us with feelings of despair, especially if the menopause has come on early in life. It can be a real moment of reflection on the past, and what we want the future to hold for us.
The low moods and anxiety can cause us to reflect on issues in our lives that we still have not really addressed, and this can leave women feeling more hopeless.
Counselling can provide that safe space to explore your own personal transition through the menopause, looking at ways to deal with the anxiety and depression, and coping strategies when everything just feels too overwhelming.