Don't give up on your dreams
If you lack confidence it will effect your ability to excel and be the best that you can be.
It is really important to believe in yourself. If you don't, sadly no one will. I can appreciate that it is not easy to be bold, courageous and persistent and go for what you want in life. After all, you will never know unless you try.
It's very important to pursue the career of your dream and ask for what you want in relationships. Avoid constantly pleasing others and devaluing yourself or giving up on starting a relationship due to fear of the unknown or failure.
Fear is a dangerous emotion, which can paralyse you from being your best self. If you want to grow, then it's important to come out of your comfort zone. I can appreciate that this is not easy, but you have to understand that growth comes with discomfort.
Imagine if a baby becomes so afraid of falling that they refuse to crawl or walk, how would they enjoy what life has to offer or develop themselves. Likewise, it's the same when you resist growth; you will always be in the same place and may start envying others that are progressing.
People distract themselves in many ways including watching excessive TV, using recreational drugs, alcohol, sex addiction, work, and being too busy doing meaningless activities.
Sadly you will never see the end the result of any goal if you lack perseverance. However, there are individuals who have endured a challenging journey, which has allowed them to arrive at their destination. These individuals are driven, determined and are called 'doers', 'go getters' and ambitious.
What is it that you want right now in life? A new job, relationship, children, starting a new course, new house, car or more money? Did you know that the only person that is stopping you from getting all these things is yourself? Start resisting the negative inner voices that are telling you, you can't.
How to go for what you want in life:
- You must believe you can.
- Create time to visualise what you want.
- Write down your goals and ensure that you visualise them and look at them on a regular basis.
- Set reminders on your mobile device to do one thing each day towards your desire goal.
- Do some research, about the desired goal and ways to reach them.
- Don't let anyone discourage you, if you want it, go for it.
- Surround yourself with positive and like-minded people.
- No matter what challenges you encounter, don't ever give up.
- Remember challenges shape, and develop your character.
- You can and you will!