Anxiety: Embracing uncertainty and indecision
Many of us experience anxiety, yet we often feel alone as if we are the only ones.

Hello everyone, I wanted to talk about something that lots of us experience but we often feel alone as if we are the only ones who experience it.
Anxiety, uncertainty and overwhelm
Anxiety that comes from uncertainty can feel overwhelming. Our brains need predictability and control. When we fear the unknown and the outcomes, we can spiral into a snowball of worry making that snowball bigger each time.
Can anyone relate to that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach that can make you feel nauseous? Do you ever feel your heart racing or pounding, trembling or shaking and feel a tightness in your chest? Sometimes anxiety can cause racing thoughts, overthinking and feeling on edge and have a huge impact on daily life.
Looking after our well-being is so important, this includes managing our anxiety levels.
Managing our anxiety levels
Think of anxiety as a food lover - the more food you feed it, the greedier it becomes. Before you realise it, it becomes out of control resulting in you feeling over-emotional and ready to burst! Physical symptoms such as chest tightness or breathing difficulties can be so hard to cope with as it seems to increase the anxiety making you feel like utter shit. Just like we need food, water and vitamin D, our bodies need a level of anxiety. Anxiety is a part of our natural emotions, we can't rid our mind and body of it completely but we can try our best to manage it.
I treat my anxiety by putting it on a healthy diet. Feeding it just enough to keep it functioning and using self-awareness and strategies to make sure I don't overfeed it.
Overthinking and anxiety
Can you relate to overthinking? When we have to make decisions in life, we can feel sick with worry at the thought of making the wrong one... What if? What about? Have I made the right choice? What will happen if? The pressure can feel too much sometimes!
We can break down our thoughts/worries and feelings in a number of different ways to help reduce our anxiety. Then, we can begin to control and cope with our thoughts and anxiety in a much healthier way. There are so many different coping skills we can use and that is why therapy may be an option for you to consider to help you control your anxiety instead of it controlling you.
How counselling can help
Counselling can be a great support to help you manage and overcome anxiety. Counsellors can help you to develop coping strategies that work for you. The counselling process will allow you to gain a better understanding of your thoughts, behaviours and feelings which increases your self-awareness to recognise triggers that contribute to your levels of anxiety. Working with a Counsellor can alleviate symptoms of depression that live alongside anxiety. Addressing both anxiety and depression can improve your over all well-being and mental health.
If you are reading this and recognise these symptoms, we know that taking that first step can sometimes be difficult and we are here to support you.