Increase in searches and engagement around the topic narcissism


Recent data from Counselling Directory and sister site Life Coach Directory reveals a surge in searches and engagement around the topic of covert narcissism.

Counselling Directory has reported a staggering 94% rise in inquiries related to narcissism over the past three months. Meanwhile, its sister site, Life Coach Directory, has witnessed an astronomical 835% increase in organic Google search clicks concerning the same topic.

Expert insight

"Covert narcissism can be challenging to identify as the manifesting behaviours are often subtle and misleading. Despite this, the impact of these behaviours is significant. Unlike overt narcissists, covert narcissists are typically individuals who don’t stand out in a crowd, are introverted, avoid social situations, have low self-esteem and poor emotional regulation," Counselling Directory member and Integrative Psychotherapist Charlotte Deverell explains.

"Narcissism is coming up more in my practice," shares Counselling Directory member and psychotherapist Lisa Bruton. "The way people talk about narcissism as being something you either are or aren't isn't helpful, as well as the counterintuitive phenomena that the places where the terms have probably become popularised (TikTok, Instagram, etc) are also thought to increase narcissism."

"I think some of the drawbacks of this term is people cut off relationships too early, don't communicate, don't think about how they too can be narcissistic at times and that there can be an appeal to people who seem narcissistic - fun, confidence, vitality etc."

- Counselling Directory member and psychotherapist Lisa Bruton.

Data insights

From April to June 2024, compared to January to March 2024, the Counselling Directory and Life Coach Directory have seen a significant uptick in users searching for information and professionals who can help with issues related to narcissism, narcissistic traits, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). The increase is not only prominent over the past three months but also when comparing the first half of 2024 to the latter half of 2023.

Are there any signs that someone is a narcissist?

Psychotherapist Charlotte Deverell, says: “A key sign that someone is a narcissist may be that they consistently set unachievable standards for others to meet, use insults, emotional and psychological manipulation such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping and blame shifting to maintain dominance and superiority while diminishing the autonomy and sense of self in those around them. Narcissists often don’t respect others’ opinions and have a need to always be right no matter the cost.”

“Relationships with narcissists rely on isolation and are exhausting, therefore it’s important to counterbalance this through fulfilment elsewhere in life where possible,” she adds.

About Counselling Directory and Life Coach Directory

Counselling Directory is an online resource that connects individuals with professional counsellors and therapists across the UK. Life Coach Directory offers a similar service, helping users find qualified life coaches to guide them through personal and professional challenges. Both platforms are committed to supporting mental health and personal development by providing accessible and reliable resources.

Media contact

Name: Alice Greedus

Title: PR Manager


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Written by Alice Greedus
Alice is the PR Manager for Counselling Directory and Happiful Magazine.

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