8 fascinating facts about NLP, neuroplasticity and a happier mind
Here are eight fascinating facts about the positive impact NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and neuroplasticity have on our daily lives.
1. Listening to our body
Brain fog present many physical symptoms, including lack of concentration, mental exhaustion and lack of motivation is a way our bodies are trying to tell us something. When we begin to listen to our body, there are pieces of the puzzle we can begin to put together, in order to heal and create a clearer, more fulfilling way of thinking and therefore being.
2. Small steps
We may wonder why focussing on certain tasks, concentrating on a new skill or learning to meditate is so challenging? Our brains naturally dart around with thoughts, conjuring up around 100,000 thoughts a day; for most of us. As research suggests, we are at our optimum for learning something new in the first 10 minutes, which is why the practice of meditation, or starting a new job, learning something new takes time and small steps, in order to develop.
3. Sleep
By understanding how much sleep impacts our overall wellbeing, there are many ways that lead to a better nights sleep, no matter which stage of life you are in and what you are going through. It is hard to see the habits and patterns which are formed throughout our lives with sleep, often going back to our childhood and by clearing gold habits and making new ones, we send message to bring that it is time to rest n renew. The brain then has time to restore its functioning, aiding a clear mind.
4. New patterns of behaviour
There is a saying that neurons that fire together wire together. How we go about our day is often in a way that we ova been used to for a long time, in our comfort zone. Some of these ways of being may not be to our benefit. By identifying which patterns of behaviour we have adopted over time, we can begin to aid our clear thinking by understanding how we may take on new behaviours which serve us better. This way, we are carving out new pathways in the brain, creating positive change, which then become more permanent and life-enhancing.
5. The mind-body connection
This connection is fundamental to making positive change and aiding a clear and healthy mind. This mind-body connection was discovered as far back as 300 years ago. Today, this connection is being embraced more than ever and new scientific discoveries are being made each day.
World renown scientist and disease reversal expert, Dr William Lee recently discovered a new brain cell called the 'Rose Hip' which is connected to feelings of depression. The latest research supports the holistic view that when we tune into the mind-body connection, we become more aware and more able to take control of our lives.
6. New habits
An epiphany or 'Aha' moment is when sudden realisations are experienced by the person in NLP coaching. Some reflection time is often needed to reinforce this new pattern. This time can often be experienced as very spiritual. Often, when stuck in a loop, we may feel we are going round in circles. The brain is literally stuck in a neural loop and it is important to break this loop, in order to find a new experience and make this into a new habit.
Sometimes people fall 'off the wagon', or forget what their focus was but once the new habit informed, there is a new way find our way back to this new habit to strengthen the connection. This is where NLP comes into its own which is a wonderfully compatible partner to neuroplasticity.
7. Stress hormones
Due to our ways of surviving in the past, our brains are naturally on the lookout for danger. This is known as the fight or flight mode or response. A certain amount of stress can be a good thing, helping us to be active, motivated, connected and to learn new skills. However, when stress becomes overwhelming, often physical symptoms occur, for example, palpitations, concentration issues feelings of agitation, low patience threshold and so on. Thankfully, the brain, always regenerating, is waiting to be nurtured and trained so that it can serve us more, contributing to thinking more clearly and to finding more resourceful ways of living and feeling calm, energetic and motivated.
8. Our three brains
The gut and the heart are now often referred to as the second and third brains. Acknowledging what we are doing to ourselves each day, enables us to relearn how to nourish and nurture these parts of our body. Through these three brains, we are able to think logically, learn to trust our instinct and tap into our emotions. When we are more connected to these parts of ourselves, we are able to live more fully and a clear mind naturally follows.
We can make anything possible when we put our minds to it. By walking through these steps with a professional, you may just surprise yourself at how much is learnt over a period of time.