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Monthly mindfulness group for therapists, counsellors and clinical practitioners open to new members
This mindfulness-based therapy group offers a regular, ‘live’ space for those committed to bringing mindfulness into their way of working to explore with others things that come up in daily life (work, family, social). It has been running since September 2013 and is open to new members from October 2014.
Using the body and breath as a reference point, the group offers an ongoing context in which to develop a range of perspectives: a place of trust, where feedback, and sometimes challenge, from others as to how they experience you – and how you experience others – can co-create opportunities for deep and meaningful exploration. It can offer a space in which to deepen your understanding of:
- how to listen to yourself
- how to listen to others
- how to express yourself more authentically, more effectively
- your connections with clients as well as colleagues and people you connect with in everyday life including friends, family, partners
The group has been running successfully for a year and is open to new members - men and women. It meets on the second Tuesday of each month (6-9pm).
We like the group to represent diversity of age, gender, race, sexuality and spiritual belief, and to contain a wealth of collective experience and knowledge from which to build and share.
What would you be committing to?
For you, and others, to get the most out of the process, you're asked to be active in using the group to learn about yourself and others: to come to all the sessions; be willing to be honest and open about your own feelings, and your experience of others; be willing to listen, and notice the feelings and experience of others in the group; to share what you see, hear, think and feel. Those joining this group are asked to commit to eight initial sessions, with a view to ongoing membership. Initial dates are as follows:
2014: Oct 14. Nov 11. Dec 09.
2015: Jan 13. Feb 10. Mar 10. May 12. Jun 09. Jul 14.
Cost: £100 deposit, followed by £200 for 8 sessions – for more information about payment terms please get in touch.
My training and experience for group work
I'm an experienced and qualified therapist (BACP) and have a longstanding mindfulness and meditation practice. I'm committed to the value of group work in effecting change, and am trained and experienced in facilitating groups.
I have many years' experience of bringing mindfulness into group work in the public and voluntary sectors; I've trained at postgraduate level with the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (University of Bangor) in working with groups, and am trained as a supervisor of teachers of mindfulness-based approaches.
To register your interest in joining this group or to find out more, please contact Lokadhi: Lokadhi@mindfulnesstherapy.co.uk