Integrating Neuroscience and Creativity into Practise

call 07527 379 254 07527 379 254
calendar_today Ongoing
person Counsellors and trainees
location_on 360b Counselling Service, Ditchling Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 6JG

                                 CPD Training for Counsellors/Psychotherapists
All trainings are held in a well-equipped training room at the 360b Counselling Service BN1 6JG. All materials and equipment needed for experiential learning will be provided. Tea break refreshments provided - numerous food outlets nearby and use of kitchen if bringing own lunch.

                          Integrating Neuroscience and Creativity into Practice
Clinical neuroscience research is revealing the dynamic interplay of the nervous system, particularly the brain, with a person's internal and external environment. Considered use of creative intervention can provide safety and containment when exploring intra-personal and inter-personal dynamics.

                                             Creative Couple Counselling
                                                    September 7th/8th
                         (*Early booking reduction to £150 if booked before August 1st)
                                                      (12 hours CPD)
This training will explore examples of creative and experiential interventions to facilitate couples and families to access, understand and transform internal and interpersonal dynamics when in conflict, or faced with change.

                                        Using Creativity Therapeutically With
                                                     October 19th/20th
                      (*Early booking reduction of £150 if booked before September 1st)
                                                       (12 hours CPD)
This training aims to understand and use appropriate creative interventions when working therapeutically with trauma. Humanistic and psychodynamic theories addressing trauma will be integrated with experiential learning of psycho-biological theory.

                                                Addiction and Creativity
                                                   November 16th/17th
                           (*Early booking reduction to £150 if booked before October 1st)
                                                        (12 hours CPD)
Understanding the psycho-biological 'pleasure principal' and the 'natural drug store' we have in our human bodies. Understanding the neuroscience and psychological theory underpinning the effective use of creative interventions when working with dependency and addictions.

Led by Cathy Davey BACP senior Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist and Accredited Supervisor. Chris Hollis BACP Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist and Qualified Supervisor.

Alongside their respective private practices Cathy and Chris work together with couples and families affected by trauma and addiction. They have delivered training in Hampshire, Wiltshire and Sussex, and offer supervision and training to counsellors and allied healthcare professionals within local therapeutic organisations and services.


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