Group supervision - new groups available

call 07990 517 284 07990 517 284
calendar_today Ongoing
person Counsellors and trainees
location_on Kensington House Counselling, Kensington House, 15 St Mary's Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 1JW

We are now offering places in existing supervision groups and forming new supervision groups.

Group supervision is a very efficient and cost-effective way to gain supervision hours. Our groups are run by Debbie Gillespie or Alan Jones who are both UKCP and BACP registered supervisors. Debbie and Alan are experienced in group work and are able to provide a structured and safe group experience.

Our supervision is rooted in basic Transactional Analysis (TA) philosophy and method. In supervision, we see the importance of positive regard and mutual respect which includes the supervisor, supervisee and the client. Central to the TA philosophy is also a belief in personal responsibility and autonomy. This belief influences a method of doing supervision which involves:

  • Commitment to a clearly defined relationship in which there is a joint responsibility for the process of learning.
  • Commitment to open communication.       

Our philosophy of supervision is also influenced by integrative and relational concepts. We see the therapeutic relationship as being central to psychotherapy and in parallel to that we see the supervisory relationship as being central to the supervisory process.

We believe there are three main functions:

  • Administrative and Normative - this includes the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that the supervisee's work is appropriate, ethical and professional in the context of relevant codes of ethics and professional practice and any organisational considerations and contracts.
  • Educational and Formative - this includes the theoretical, skills and professional development of the supervisee and supervisor's responsibility to provide educative and formative feedback to the supervisee.
  • Supportive and Restorative - includes the supervisor's response to the practitioner's anxiety and distress in response to and as evoked by his or her client's material.

Contact: Debbie Gillespie 07990 517284, or

              Alan Jones 07787 195429

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Hosted by Debbie Gillespie

Debbie Gillespie and Alan Jones have been psychotherapists since 2008. Both gained a PGCDs in TA counselling in 2011 and masters degrees in TA psychotherapy in 2013. Alan and Debbie are UKCP registered and BACP accredited as clinical psychotherapists and clinical supervisors.