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starting OCTOBER 2012



Therapeutic Dialogue:
Cross Modality Existential & Phenomenological Perspectives

Autumn 2012 Dates & Times to be Confirmed

(Estimated to start OCTOBER 2012)

Genuine Dialogue

No matter whether spoken or silent – where each of the participants really has in mind the other or others in their present and particular being and turns to them with the intention of establishing a living mutual relation between himself and them.
Martin Buber*


This online continued professional development  training will give each participant personal time and space to consider and reflect on their practice,  as well the chance to learn through  engagement with others’ contributions. The aim is to open opportunities for enhanced therapeutic relationships and dialogue in our work.

We will deepen our understanding of our clinical practice through a detailed analysis of verbatim texts of client work; we will bring into very close focus the actual words we and our clients use; and revelations will surface that might have been missed in the physical presence and oral experience of face to face therapy. The online medium is ideal for this. We will also see what existential truths show themselves, even in the mundane exchanges we have with our clients.

This training is geared as cross modality for no matter what our approach, when we discern better what is actually there in our work with clients, then we are better informed to make our interventions.

This should be an interesting and fun forum for developing practice:  reflexivity and self-challenge keep our work creative and vibrant even with the toughest client situations.


Simone Lee is a very experienced cross-theory trainer, therapist and supervisor who has a particular interest in ethical practice, relational practice, existential philosophy and phenomenology. 

Facilitating and training groups online is one of Simone’s specialities and she has published on the topic.; she is particularly adept at guiding people new to this medium through the vagaries of online work. She aims to create a safe and facilitating and good learning environment.

Simone is UKCP and ECP registered and a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

For more information about Simone Lee, see her website: www.psychotherapycounselling.co.uk


  • This training is cross-modality and will appeal to participants of different approaches who are open to reflexive learning and developing their relational practice.
  • To be eligible, participants must be qualified counsellors/psychotherapists, psychologists or professionals working in a similar one-to-one context,  abiding by a recognised code of ethics. Each participant must be in practice or have been in practice until recently.
  • To enrol on the course you must be willing to submit anonymised verbatim/s of one to one client/patient work of no more than 2 sides double-spaced A4 which replicates a therapeutic conversation; this does not need to be recorded or 100% accurate, but a good-enough recollection of a part of a session, faithful to the general mood and to your practice style on this occasion.
  • Participants must be able to use a keyboard and have access to a reliable internet connection with a reasonably fast response time.
  • All participants will be asked to conform to a confidentiality agreement.


The format will be secure chatroom.  For optimal individual-focused and group learning, there will be no more less than 3 and no more than 5 members in the group, it will be a closed group.

The dates and times of meeting can be set up with consensus of the entire group

OPTIONAL You may choose to prepare a report analysing the verbatim you have presented to the group, and have it marked by Simone Lee; it will be returned to you with detailed comments.


CPD is based on 1.5 hours per verbatim preparation and thinking time; .5 hour to peruse each colleague’s verbatim prior to online sessions + attendance time online.  

Single format one presentation per participant

Groups of 3 people       11 hours of CPD per person      4  two-hour sessions                 £160

Groups of 4 people       13.5 hours of CPD per person   5  two-hour sessions                 £180

Groups of 5 people       16 hours of CPD per person      6  two-hour sessions                 £200

Double format two verbatim presentations per participant

Groups of 3 people       20 hours of CPD per person      7  two-hour sessions                 £240

Groups of 4 people       25 hours of CPD per person      9  two-hour sessions                 £260

Groups of 5 people       30 hours of CPD per person      11 two-hour sessions                 £280

Each optional essay       5 hours of CPD                                                                            £25


Once groups are confirmed, dates will be set and invoices will be sent out. Direct transfers can be made to my bank account or payment by Paypal.
No refunds will be made once groups are confirmed and paid for unless your place can be taken by another person, in which case a 50% refund or 75% will be transferred towards a training on a later date if mutually agreed.


Please contact Simone Lee to express an interest, giving days and times that would best suit you and stating what size groups attracts you most. I will try to meet your needs.
Email simoneleeukcp@aol.com  or call on +44 (0)770 889 3166. +44(0)20 8445 6000


Signon details and password will be sent.

You will receive further details about how to present,  a reading list and essential papers for those unfamiliar with existential writings and thinking and phenomenology.

At the end of the training you will receive a CPD certificate for the hours attended

*Buber M, (1947) Between Man and Man .  Translated by R G Smith (Issued in the Fontana Library May 1961) London and Glasgow: Collins Clear-Type Press

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