Dancing mindfulness - last Sunday of every month

call 07906 950 752 07906 950 752
calendar_today Ongoing
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt £10 - no booking required, come as you are
location_on St Martin's Church Hall (upstairs), Church Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 4PX

What is dancing mindfulness?

Dancing mindfulness is a gentle form of exercise that involves the freedom to move the body with awareness, without having to learn specific steps and with no attachment to an outcome or performance. Instead, there is the potential for ease, authenticity, embodied awareness, and joy of being in the moment. A simple experience of letting go.

What can I expect in a dancing mindfulness session?

There is a general shape to the dance, starting with grounding and stabilisation, moving through a process of animated movement, shaking, releasing - sometimes using props - followed by rest, relaxation, and integration of the entire experience.

There are seven primary attitudes of mindfulness as coined by Jon Kabat-Zinn (2011). These are - non-judging, patience, beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance, and letting go. We dance with an awareness of these qualities and with a respect for one another in the space, knowing that we cannot get 'it' wrong! You simply move in the moment as the music invites you.

This facilitated session lasts approximately 75 minutes and is followed by refreshments for those who wish to stay on until 5 pm.

Who would benefit from dancing mindfulness?

Anyone can benefit from dancing mindfulness. No previous dance experience is required - just a willingness to participate with a group of like-minded people who enjoy music, movement, and the simple pleasure of dancing and moving to a beat.

What do I need to bring/wear?

Bring a yoga mat and wear loose comfortable clothing. Some yoga mats, blocks, and blankets are provided. If this is something that interests you, please come and join us and bring a friend. We are currently a small, intimate group. You are welcome to phone me (07804 495 824) if you wish to know more, but feel free to just show up!

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Hosted by Vicky Cruz

I am a Gestalt Therapist (Metanoia Institute 2009), working in the NHS and private practice in Epsom. I co-host Mind and Body Yoga Retreats in Southern Spain twice a year. I work creatively using various art forms and believe when the Mind and Body work together they can provide a powerful and effective package for well-being and healing.