Anna Lisicka
Every professional displayed on Counselling Directory has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.
This professional is available for new clients.
This professional is available for new clients.
About me
I understand that looking for a therapist can feel bit overwhelming and confusing. I hope the information below will help to answer some of your questions but if you would like to know more, please contact me in confidence via our team at Avenue Therapies by email ( or phone (020 7112 8834).
About me
The first thing to say is that I am an Accredited CBT therapist, registered with the BABCP (British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies). I am also trained in using EMDR, ACT, DBT and Compassion focused therapies. This allows me to tailor therapy to your individual needs by selecting aspects of therapy models that will be most helpful to you.
People look into therapy for a variety of reasons including psychological, emotional, personal or relational difficulties. I am passionate about understanding each person as an individual and tailoring therapy to their unique needs. I have trained in a breadth of psychological models which allows me to adapt therapy appropriately by selecting the aspects that will be most helpful to you. I have written more about the psychological models I work with below.
My experience
I have worked in private and the NHS psychological services since 2010 supporting adults with a variety of difficulties, such as anxiety and depression and more severe and enduring mental health problems, such as brain injury, psychosis and personality disorder.
Moje doświadczenie
Od roku 2010 pracuję terapeutycznie z osobami dorosłymi zmagającymi się z różnorakimi trudnościami natury psychologicznej, takimi jak lęk czy depresja oraz ciężkimi i długotrwałymi problemami zdrowia psychicznego, takimi jak zaburzenia psychiczne na tle organicznym, zaburzenia psychotyczne oraz zaburzenia osobowości.
My values
I value the potential of every human being to change and develop and I believe that strong therapeutic relationship may enable and facilitate learning.
I am committed to collaboration and empowerment of individuals in their journey towards recovery and fulfilling their potential.
I respect and appreciate the diversity of individuals, their culture, religion and lifestyle choices.
Moje wartości
Doceniam i wspieram w każdym potencjał do rozwoju i samorealizacji. Wierze w siłę relacji terapeutycznej, która poprzez równość i współpracę wspiera te procesy. Z pasją wspomagam innych na ich drodze do odzyskania zdrowia i równowagi psychicznej. Szanuję istniejące różnice indywidualne, kulturowe, religijne oraz personalne wybory życiowe.
The models I work with
I work with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) model. I value and often incorporate the elements of third wave CBT, such as Mindfulness, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).
Modele w jakich pracuje
Pracuje w nurcie poznawczo-behawioralnym (CBT). Terapię suplementuję elementami innych nurtów terapeutycznych, takich jak terapia akceptacji i zaangażowania (ACT) oraz terapia dialektyczno-behawioralna (DBT).
What to expect from your therapy sessions
I work to provide a safe, contained and confidential space on a weekly basis in which you can share the difficulties you want to work on, at a pace you feel comfortable, so we can work together towards understanding and change in the direction of your values.
The first session is the assessment and will be slightly longer than a normal session at 90 minutes. This is to give enough time to explore what you have come to therapy for, what you have tried in the past, what helped and what didn't help. At the end of this session, I will try and make some recommendations around what may be most helpful for you. Following our meeting, I'll summarise our conversation in a letter which I will email to you.
After the assessment session, the sessions will be 50-55 minutes. Each person I work with is very different so it is difficult to predict how many sessions will be needed. From a personal therapeutic perspective, my aim is only to work with a person for as long as it is helpful and to empower the person to leave therapy with the skills they need.
Training, qualifications & experience
Training, qualifications & experience
- PG Dip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Advanced Level Practice), 2017
- Mindfulness Day Training, Solent NHS, 2017
- BSc (Hons) Psychology Conversion for Postgraduates, Open University, 2011
- MSc Applied Psychology, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, 2006
Studia podyplomowe – terapia poznawczo-behawioralna (praktyka - poziom zaawansowany), Uniwersytet w Southampton, 2017
Mindfulness – dzienne warsztaty, Solent NHS, 2017
Studia licencjackie - nostryfikacja dyplomu, Open University, 2011
Studia pięcioletnie magisterskie – psychologia stosowana, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, 2006
Member organisations
The BABCP is the lead organisation for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the UK. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the practice, theory or development of CBT. BABCP also provides accreditation for CBT therapists. BABCP accredited members adhere to the Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics in the Practice of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, and are willing to be scrutinised in this adherence as required.
Accredited register membership
The Accredited Register Scheme was set up in 2013 by the Department of Health (DoH) as a way to recognise organisations that hold voluntary registers which meet certain standards. These standards are set by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).
This therapist has indicated that they belong to an Accredited Register.
Areas of counselling I deal with
Other areas of counselling I deal with
We also have therapists who specialise in supporting people to live with chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, IBS, chronic pain, cancer, obesity, MS, ME/CFS and others. Do get in touch to know more and see if we can help.
Therapies offered
£100.00 - £130.00
Concessions offered for
Additional information
We provide a bespoke service that is designed to meet the needs of you, the individual, our charges vary depending on the nature of the assessment and any subsequent treatment. For an hour therapy session our fees are £100 with a psychological therapist (eg CBT, CAT or EMDR therapist) and £130 with a Clinical or Counselling Psychologist. Some of our therapist do offer concessions and we also have Trainee Clinical Psychologists and Trainee CBT therapists working with us. They are completing training with time at University and time on placement seeing clients with close supervision. Whilst they are in training, their fees are reduced, so do get in touch if this is something you would like to know more about. We are always happy to discuss costs with you and are committed to try to make Clinical Psychology and psychological therapy as accessible as possible.
I can't always answer straight away but I will endeavour to return your message within 24 hours. I work as part of a practice called Avenue Therapies where you can call to speak to our admin team on (020 7112 8834) or alternatively you can contact me directly on my email: You can also view further information at
I look forward to hearing from you.
When I work
Evenings, day times and weekends
Further information
As I mentioned above, I work as part of a larger practice called Avenue Therapies. This is great as we have a range of therapists to suit many different difficulties and can often be more flexible to when you want to be seen.
We also offer Asperger / Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment, diagnosis and support ( for children and adults.