Have you rebuilt your marriage after a difficult period? If so, Good Housekeeping magazine would like to hear from you

The publication is looking for couples who have rebuilt their marriage after a difficult period, for example:

  • A couple who have strengthened their marriage after infidelity
  • A couple who have overcome the problem of one partner over-spending
  • A couple who are happy with their sex life following a period where one partner lost his or her sex drive
  • A couple who had different attitudes to parenting but learnt to compromise

The women will be interviewed by phone and photographed in London with the publication's top hair and make-up artists and stylists. The magazine will also require a copy of the wedding photo.

This will be a sensitive and uplifting piece, and the copy will be read back to interviewees before the piece goes to press.

If you would like to be interviewed for this article, or know someone who would, please contact Moya Sarner as soon as possible at moya.sarner@goodhousekeeping.co.uk with all of the following:

  • Name, age, and contact details
  • A summary of your experiences to include: When you married your husband, the problem you encountered, how you overcame it together, how happy you are now in your relationship. Please also include any particularly moving or inspiring details you think would connect with our readers.
  • Recent photograph (not for publication, just for planning the photo shoot)
  • A copy of your wedding photograph (you can just take a picture of it with your phone and email it in)
  • Previous press exposure (publication and date)
  • Height, dress size, shoe size, bust size, local train station (for planning your clothes and your transport to the photo shoot)

Please get in touch as soon as possible (by 18 November at the latest) and be sure to quote Counselling Directory.

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Written by Katherine Nicholls

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