Ruth's story

I started counselling during an absolutely terrible year - I think it was the worst year of my life. I guess it all started when my partner of four years split from me.
I was absolutely devastated and in an incredibly vulnerable place.
To make matters worse, I was experiencing bullying in the workplace and, through no fault of my own, it led to me losing my job.
My work and home life were hard to deal with already, but then my mother also became very unwell. Unfortunately, she didn't get any better and she died, which put a great strain on my terminally ill, severely impaired stepfather.
As a disabled, single parent, I really don't think I could have coped with all of these events, had I had not taken the step of obtaining a counsellor in the build-up to the worst of it.
I am so thankful I took that step to finding a counsellor.
If you are an employer and you are worried about bullying in the workplace, or would like to know more about the steps you can take to building an anti-bullying policy, take a look at our advice for employers fact-sheet.