Understanding the impact of boarding school
Understanding the impact of boarding school – how it shapes lives and how it shows up in the therapy room.
We will explore how separation from attachment figures may influence a child’s development. With a particular focus on early boarding, we’ll consider how it can shape our attachment behaviour and have a profound impact on how we approach relationships.
How are caregiving and care-seeking behaviours impacted?
How does early attachment – in the years before boarding – colour the subsequent experience of boarding school?
How can therapists recognise and attune to this experience? Are there special challenges for therapists whose own experience was very different, and other challenges for therapists whose experience was very similar and who may be triggered by the client’s story?
What is the particular impact of trauma and abuse experienced at boarding school?
I will use a PowerPoint presentation to share my understanding of these questions. We’ll work on specific focused small group exercises and hopefully have lots of lively discussions.
The day aims to equip us with skills for attuning and inform us how individuals are wounded differently according to their pre-existing attachment patterns.
Who is the workshop aimed at? The workshop would be useful for practitioners who are becoming curious about the impact of boarding and want to increase their sensitivity to clients with this experience. It would also be interesting for those who are familiar with boarding but would like to consider the attachment implications.
- Early bird (until 1st November 2024) - Standard £95 / trainee therapist £75
- Thereafter - Standard £115 / trainee therapist £95
Find more information and book your place at greenwoodevents.co.uk
Greenwood Events runs affordable CPD training and aspires to facilitate a vibrant and lively network of like-minded people working in the helping profession who meet up to learn, network and share expertise and knowledge. Join the Greenwood Events mailing list here - http://eepurl.com/dLYUu2 or by emailing audrey@greenwoodevents.co.uk