Transformative early intervention practices: Strategies & models

call 08007 555 173 08007 555 173
calendar_today 7th October 2024, 9.30am - 4.30pm
person Counsellors and trainees
universal_currency_alt £40
location_on Harlow Playhouse, Harlow, Essex, CM20 1LS

Join us for transformative talks, interactive breakout sessions, and preventative activities. Advance tickets are strongly recommended.

Event MC: Jeff Brazier 

Jeff is one of the UK’s most loved and in-demand TV presenters and social media stars who has hosted some of the biggest shows on British television and worked with dozens of leading brands. A qualified life coach and grief counsellor, his first book, The Grief Survival Guide, was published by Hodder in 2017.

Keynote speakers:

Alexa Knight (Mental Health Foundation) - Setting the scene for early intervention and prevention

Outlining the case for prevention in mental health from a human, social and economic perspective, and setting out what public mental health intervention can look like.

Ezra Hewing (Suffolk Mind) - The risk of rebound: REM sleep and the mental health continuum

There is a greater recognition that mental ill health can be seen as a continuum or spectrum. At the same time, there is a wider understanding that sleep plays a role in our mental health. By drawing upon research into the nature of REM sleep, when most dreaming occurs, we will gain a clearer understanding of the relationship between anxiety and depression; post-traumatic stress and nightmares; the manic and depressive phases of bipolar disorder; the effects on mental health of medication, alcohol, cannabis and opiate-based substances; insomnia and suicidality; and the challenges of managing emotions for people with BPD/EUPD diagnosis. Finally, understanding REM sleep rebound will help us to reduce risk and promote recovery in ourselves and the people we support.

Matthew Hoad-Robson (Tend VR) - Immersive virtual reality mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

Cost: £40 plus fees

Buy your tickets via Eventbrite.

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Hosted by Mind in West Essex

Mind in West Essex is your local mental health charity. Our Vision is for West Essex to be a place where people talk openly and positively about mental health, and where everyone gets the support and respect needed to live well.

Hosted by Mind in West Essex