Supervision - A place for fun and creativity

call 07749 416 743 07749 416 743
calendar_today 29th November 2024, 10.00am - 4.00pm
person Counsellors and trainees
universal_currency_alt Early Bird - Standard £95 / Trainee Therapist £75 until 15 November 2024, Thereafter £105 and £95
location_on Online

“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things differently.” — Edward de Bono

Sometimes supervision can seem like a restricted space where you feel you can only talk about clients and the work in a dry, monotonic manner.
My hope is to introduce you to new, creative and fun ways to help encourage curious exploration of the process of therapy and supervision.
This workshop will provide you with ideas to take into your own supervision, either as a supervisee or as a supervisor, creating a playful, collaborative space to consider the work of therapy.

More information at:

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Hosted by Audrey Smith

Greenwood Events runs affordable CPD training and aspires to facilitate a vibrant and lively network of like-minded people working in the helping profession who meet up to learn, network and share expertise and knowledge. Join the Greenwood Events mailing list here - or by emailing