Southwark womens’ self-care advocates

07392 385 101 07392 385 101
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About this service

During these difficult times there are large groups of women who are at risk. Their children and grandchildren are at home, some all living under the same roof. Partners are at home. There is little money and little opportunity for women who are vulnerable to take care of their own needs. Some of these women are facing domestic violence, some are struggling with mental health. Some are in poor housing, overcrowded with little privacy. Some women may be in minority ethnic backgrounds and face additional difficulties. They may have no-one to relate to or turn to for help.

Aims and objectives

  • Support up to 15 local women who are vulnerable for four weeks.
  • Build a network of peers for their continued care at project end.
  • Establish a blueprint for advocacy for vulnerable women in crisis circumstance.

The service will be delivered by up to four professionals from psychotherapy, clinical/nursing/mental health and legal backgrounds. They will form a team of self-care mentors.

Self-care mentors will:

  • Maintain regular phone contact.
  • Provide therapeutic support through online counselling/psychotherapy.
  • Send weekly self-care goodie bags especially for the woman.
  • Motivate women to practice self-care and build self esteem.
  • Build up a buddying self-care network.

The project is sponsor by Southwark council supported by Repercia Therapeutic Counselling Services.

When: This special offer will start in July and will run for three weeks.

Please email to register.

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Hosted by Millicent Martin-Lebert

M Martin-Lebert (Counsellor and Co-facilitator) working within the NHS and Forensic Mental Health for over ten years.   S. Francis- Mills, comes from a legal and social work background. Sonia has personal experience of working with self harm and profoundly disabled young people.  

Hosted by Millicent Martin-Lebert