Level 3 entry award in creative and play counselling skills

call 01344 566 295 01344 566 295 / 07720 970 717 07720 970 717
calendar_today 22nd July - 2nd August 2024, 9.30am - 5.30pm
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt £1,000
location_on 9 Regent Circus, Swindon, Wilsthire, SN1 1PN

Our entry level 3 award is for everyone wanting to train as a play and creative therapist. 

We are running an intense 12-day course this summer from 22nd July - 2nd August. 

This course will cover all the basic skills needed. Following this, you can then progress on to our diploma level 6 to qualify as a play and creative therapist. 

For more information and to book, please contact us at www.createhope.co.uk

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Hosted by Create Hope

We are a Christian charity offering emotional support to children, young people and families based in Berkshire and Wiltshire.  Our training which we have developed to equip people to work therapeutically with children, young people and families.