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Introduction to EMDR with Dr Marilyn Tew
Introduction to EMDR – What is it and is it worth exploring? With Dr Marilyn Tew.
This is a workshop of discovery for many and of deeper clarification for others. We will first find out what EMDR is, its history and its reputation. How does it actually work and what’s the neuroscience that supports it?
Venturing into the realms of clinical application, we will reflect on which clients might benefit from EMDR and where there may be contra-indications for its use. We will debate its use with single-incident trauma and with complex, multiple trauma presentations drawing from Marilyn’s wealth of clinical experience over the last 12 years.
There will be time to observe a mock-up of a clinical session on video and maybe even for some real-life work with a volunteer from the group (if anyone is brave enough!)
At the end of the day, you will have:
- a much clearer picture of EMDR and the way that it works;
- the clinical processes;
- the scope of its efficacy and the evidence to support it.
You will not be able to claim that you are in any way trained to use EMDR but you will know where to go to find quality training if you want to take it further.
Dr Marilyn Tew works in private practice as an accredited BACP/EMDR psychotherapist. Her background is in education, and she has a Masters in guidance and counselling and a PhD that bridged the two worlds of counselling and education. She trained in EMDR in 2012 becoming an accredited practitioner in 2015 and an EMDR consultant in 2019. She is currently using her skills in supervision, intensive EMDR weekends and CPD events. She has written books, book chapters and journal articles while also delivering CPD to teachers at every level of education. She has worked as a researcher into citizenship, whole school community development and emotional well-being and taught at university level on a Masters programme.
Get in touch to find out more and book your place.
Bramham Therapy - To read more about all our events and to book: https://www.bramhamtherapy.co.uk/events/ We provide cutting-edge Continuing Professional Development seminars for counsellors and psychotherapists from all modalities, including those in training.