Interventions and tools

call 07769 976 620 07769 976 620
calendar_today Ongoing
person Counsellors and trainees
universal_currency_alt £12
location_on Online

Monthly bite-size learning - tools and interventions - for counsellors and psychotherapists

Monthly sessions are for two hours on Zoom, on Thursdays from 7pm to 9pm - make a note in your diary to join Ian for a fun, informative and useful way to fill up that CPD record for the year for the cost of a cinema ticket.

Each one costs only £12, a value for money experience to build up your knowledge and skills and connect to colleagues.

To book, send an email to We will send you a booking form showing the whole programme, you can book one meeting or as many as you want. Individual counsellors are welcome. Organisations are welcome to book for their staff. Invoices will be provided where wanted - there's a tick box on the booking form to request an invoice.

Please note that these are live presentations, not pre-recordings.
Ian is presenting:

  • Friday 26th March 2021: Communication - getting the best connection
  • Thursday 22nd April 2021: Systems - we're all affected by them
  • Thursday 27th May 2021: Insecurities, drivers and reactions
  • Thursday 24th June 2021: Therapeutic information resources
  • Thursday 22nd July 2021: Couples - from conflict to harmony
  • Thursday 21st August 2021: Communication - getting the best connection
  • Thursday 23rd September 2021: Safe working with abuse presentations
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Hosted by Ian Wallace

Ian has over 11500 hours of professional clinical practice with all combinations of Clients. He works from an intuitive basis and has the Client's needs at the heart of his work. He has been Counselling since 2002 and teaching since 2012 and has qualifications for Counselling, Teaching, Coaching and Supervision.