In search of self

call 07999 340 455 07999 340 455
calendar_today 6th January - 15th September 2025, 7.00pm - 8.30pm
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt £500 group price £600 one 2 one
location_on Online

This course invites you to dive deep into a journey of self-discovery. There are 5 Shamanic offerings that will be rolled out during the course of a year. Each offering encompasses psychotherapy, shamanic counselling/healing and the medicine of story.

  • Offering 1 - sleeping beauty
  • Offering 2 - blind spots
  • Offering 3 - transformation
  • Offering 4 - power and grace
  • Offering 5 - soul journey

For more information visit

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Hosted by Karen Brewster

Im Karen and have worked in private practice as a Psychotherapist for 15/16 years. I have studied Shamanism/been a student of shamanic practices for over 7 years and have just launched a Shamanic Counselling and Healing Practice which offers a Shamanic and Healing Journey via a course "In Search Of Self"