Guided imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change
If you want to be able to help people effectively, this is a key course to attend.
Guided imagery is an essential skill required for removing phobias, curing PTSD, lifting depression, and overcoming addictions or self-harm, and is also useful for raising self-confidence and increasing motivation.
When you become confident in using these skills, you can begin to bring patients out of the emotionally-driven trance states of a wide range of conditions such as anxiety disorders, addiction, anger, stress overload, trauma, depression, chronic pain, and much more.
That is why guided imagery is one of the most powerful psychotherapeutic tools available to us – and one you need in your ‘toolkit’.
This is a popular workshop with limited spaces available so please book soon to avoid disappointment.
Accredited CPD Training: Human Givens College has been providing training in the best ways to treat mental health and behavioural problems for over 20 years. Our clear, practical mental health training and our psychotherapy diploma give you the key information and skills you need to help people overcome their difficulties as quickly as possible.