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Counselling and spirituality
01912 812 167
01912 812 167
calendar_today 7th March 2025, 10.00am - 5.00pm
person Counsellors and trainees
universal_currency_alt £110
location_on Jesmond Therapy Centre, 7 Holly Avenue West, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE2 2AR
This workshop will outline the work of Ken Wilber, Iain McGilchrist, Carl Jung, Augustus Masters, Marina Kaplan, Gangaji, Trungpa Rinpoche, James Fowler and others to explore:
- What is the connection between spirituality and good mental health? Knowing our boundaries as therapists.
- How we killed Spirit and what filled the vacuum, or how “God is Dead” is a warning, not an assassination.
- The domains of the self and the postmodern situation (right brain alienation) or how we became James Joyce’s Mr Duffy.
- Coming to our senses: savouring our experience and coming out of the left brain into embodiment.
- What is spiritualty? What is it not? Flatland spirituality. Is it all about finding happiness, truth, meaning? What do we really want? Connection? Connection to what?
- Waking up and growing up: A clear way of understanding and differentiating these lines of growth, but waking up to what? The kensho experience and the simple feeling of being. The diamond in your pocket. “I see you Maya” - we’re trying for something that’s already found us.
- Opening to the apophatic self and the vividity of life. Absolute interconnection.
- The doors of perception (Blake). Blocked and locked doors.
- “John Smith concealed and John Smith revealed” self-enquiry and “a man without a mask.”
- The spiritual path: a goldmine in a minefield of transference and projection?
- What kinds of resistance might there be to engaging with the spiritual in counselling sessions? What views might we have?
- What is “Spirit”?
- Spiritual intelligence and spiritual experience.
- Freud and the “future of an illusion” the New Atheists-critics of spirituality.
- Wilbers 4 Quadrants or where’s spirit hiding?
- The spectrum of consciousness: spiritual development itself.
- The 1-2-3 of God: the ways in which we can experience Spirit.
- The pre/trans fallacy -how to understand the confusion brimming in the levels and meanings of spiritual experiences and why it really, really matters.
- Cultivating discernment on the spiritual path.
- Spiritual emergency, spiritual bypassing, spiritual materialism….and spiritual BS.
- What about mindfulness? Two kinds of mindfulness: clinical and transformative.
- Focus and attention, thoughts and self-liberation of thoughts.
- The EPS (egocentric preference system). The denial of death.
- The conceptual self and nonconceptual self: should we destroy the ego?
- Identification may be the problem: the work of Eckhart Tolle.
- The tapas of the path: should we expect difficulty and failure?
- Obstacles on the path and the path is obstacles.
- The 3-2-1 of shadowwork: Blocks to growth and the problem of the “puer aeternus.”
- Suffering: what it means before letting it go (mindful self-enquiry) or no mud, no lotus!
- You experience pain, but you are not your suffering: The Buddha’s Sutra of the Second Arrow.
- On being a compassionate mess: wholly human?
- Vast sky: A glimpse of the nondual.
- The Guest House poem.
- Do I put more work into growing up or waking up?
- Integrating growing up and waking up: steps on the path to cleaning up and showing up (Doors of Perception 2).
- Case studies.
- The path is practice: 20 practices to orientate to Spirit.
Cost: £110 - discount offered.
Find out more and book your place at jesmondtherapycentre.co.uk
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Hosted by Jesmond Therapy Centre
In 2011 Graeme undertook a two year Post Graduate Diploma in Studies in Mindfulness held at the Tibetan Buddhist Centre in Eskdalemuir and was awarded a PG Dip Distinction. He went on the deliver over 60 weekend modules in mindfulness and compassion in the Buddhist Centres of Samye Ling Scotland, Samye Dzong London and Brussels. In addition, he has