Absent father support group
The Abandonment Therapist aka Melissa Noyce is hosting a monthly meet-up for adult children estranged from their dads. It doesn't matter what stage you are at, your curiosity is enough.
Whether you've been estranged for the majority of your life, you're thinking about becoming estranged, to everything in between. The absent father support group is a safe online space to come and chat about how his absence (emotionally and or physically) is impacting your life with like-minded humans every fourth Thursday evening.
A list of topics will be agreed by the group with a theme for each session, to help guide our discussions. I know how lonely those who are estranged from their fathers can feel, so the focus of this group will be to talk about what it's like to live with an absent father and how you might be dealing with that. There will be flexibility in the topics we discuss, to allow space in the group to explore feelings and experiences as and when they arise.
Melissa Noyce is the founder of The Abandonment Therapist, following on from her own journey since becoming estranged from her father. She encourages you to share your story, be empowered by how it's shaped you and always remain curious about how his absence is showing up in your life today. You may share any worries or concerns you may have, as well as celebrate any successes you will have along the way.
Please note the absent father support group is peer-support led and whilst the host is a trained therapist, this is not a substitute for professional or medical help.
Melissa Noyce, AKA, The Abandonment Therapist, is on a mission to help fatherless humans find inner peace. She knows first hand what living a life without a dad, really means, as she's been estranged from him, since she was 18 years old.