21 day womb healing journey, online

call 07726 923 833 07726 923 833
calendar_today 13th October - 2nd November 2024, 8.00am - 8.00am
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt £65
location_on Online

Do you know your womb has more to offer, but aren’t quite sure how to access and work with it?

Join us on this 21 Day Journey to find out!

For centuries, women have been disconnected from their wombs and its true purpose. Womb gealing means to bring the womb back into the whole of one’s self.

Whilst the physical womb is obviously in our body, the consciousness of the womb – the true essence of the womb, is often restricted and disconnected from, meaning that we often don’t know what we’re missing.

These are some of the main symptoms of being disconnected from the womb:

  • period pain
  • lack of trust in self and intuition
  • low life force
  • dislike of being a woman
  • struggling to value your creativity or bring it to fruition
  • hard to get pregnant or stay pregnant to term
  • pushing through life and your cyclical changes
  • rage and anger during pre-menstrual
  • elongated periods (3+ days)

During this 21 day journey, you’ll be experiencing tried and tested practices that will help you bring back your womb’s consciousness into your body and work with the wisdom that it holds, restoring your sense of sovereignty, creativity and trust in yourself.

8 lovingly curated practices will take you through a 21-day process 

  • Day 1: Re-sourcing, intention setting, greeting & drawing or sculpting your womb
  • Day 4: Energising your womb centre
  • Day 7: Communing with your womb
  • Day 10: Clearing your womb; cellular healing
  • Day 13: Bringing your womb’s messages into daily life, a core practice
  • Day 16: Healing with the black light, The divine feminine principle in creation
  • Day 19: Blacklight grid to embody the true purpose of your womb centre
  • Day 21: Anointing your womb

Each guided practice is 15-20 minutes so that you can easily integrate this into your day.

As each new practice is released every 3 days – it gives you the choice to repeat the practice and deepen your experience, and/or have time to be with your experience and integrate.

2 bonus practices

My dear friends Jo Tedeschi and Hazel McMahon will be popping in for a cameo! Both are really experienced, grounded, multi-dimensional healers with a love for the womb and commitment to the restoration of personal and collective Sovereignty.

Joey will be sharing an intuitive movement practice to facilitate the connection between movement, breath and sound – supporting you to bridge your internal experience to your embodied daily reality.

This can be done to deepen your experience of any of the above exercises, and will be available from day 2.

Hazel will be sharing a practice to do when you experience an energy block, old protection, dissociation or part of you that needs some attention as you do any of the practices.

This guided exercise will be available from day 1.

A live online workshop to dissolve any blocks

Sunday 20th October at 1pm-2:30pm London. convert to your timezone >
From years of experience leading these journeys, it’s common that we need to work with some ‘stuff’ that shows up as we connect with our womb.

This can show up as a range of experiences such as dissociation, limiting beliefs, old protection, resistance, blocks, fears or feeling ‘nothing’.

In this live online workshop, you’ll get direct coaching and guidance from Melanie on understanding and working through any blocks, so that you can clearly connect with and anchor into your womb centre.

The workshop won’t be recorded so you will need to attend live to participate.

Practical details

The group will run in a pop-up private Facebook group.

Every 3 days you’ll get a new guided practice (via a live video with Melanie) that will take you deeper into connection with your womb. All videos will remain in the group until the journey ends and can be accessed at any time.

The practices will be available at 7am London time on the day they are released.

There’s no need to watch the practices at a certain time. Just go into the Facebook group and watch the next video in your own time.

I will be checking in with the group once a day to answer any questions you may have.

Once the journey has finished, the Facebook group will remain open until the end of November so that you can catch up if or re-watch any videos .

Once you have registered for the journey, you’ll receive:

  • a link to join the private Facebook group
  • a Zoom link to join the live workshop on the 20th of October.

Full details and to book your place:


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Hosted by Melanie Swan

I’m Melanie, a Soul Worker and Womb Medicine Woman for women who are remembering the power of their womb. I share down to earth guidance on healing womb-centered trauma, embracing your cyclical nature & embodying your deepest wisdom – so that you can actually enjoy being a woman.