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Over the years I have heard many clients remark in the course of therapy, “I’m finding my self again”, or “I’m getting back the old ‘me’”. So how do…
Some studies have shown that up to a quarter of people in the UK are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), with about 25% of that group suff…
Depression can be so debilitating at times. It can drag you down and sap your energy and enthusiasm for life. Other people may tell you to ‘just snap…
Much is written about the anger and boundary crossing of the teenage soul. Little however, is written about how to manage, maintain and help a teen s…
What are the symptoms of depression? Depression can affect people in many different ways. Some people experience primarily psychological and emotion…
There are many ways that Counselling can help people with depression and this article can’t cover all of them. It is important to note that every cli…
More and more people are suffering from depression in the UK and it is one of the chief reasons why people first come to counselling. The Office for…
How often does your alarm go off in the morning? You wake up and all you want to do is shut off the alarm. The 5 minutes suddenly turns into 30 minut…
Here is Catherine's story, Catherine's story is typical of many people, who suffer from depression. Sufferers say that it’s very difficult to imagine…
Most people believe that any feeling or emotion they feel (anger, sadness, fear) are the direct result of external events, situations or the behaviou…
What is depression? Psychological symptoms may be experienced such as sadness, feeling anxious, little motivation, feeling low in mood, tearfulness,…
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