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Managing your eating throughout the day can feel easier, due to distraction and busyness. You may feel less prone to out-of-control eating or mindles…
For many of us, religion and spirituality is a source of comfort in day to day life and, when it comes to mental health struggles, our faith and beli…
The holidays can be one of the trickiest times for someone struggling with disordered eating or body dysmorphic disorder. Not only because there is a…
You’re feeling stuffed to the brim with mince pies, turkey and Quality Street and you want speedy results, to reverse this indulgence. And you’re not…
Polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS, is very common in women, particularly those who suffer with compulsive or binge eating disorders and a…
This is the last part of a four-part series about how to understand, manage and overcome comfort eating. If you are not sure whether your overeating…
It can feel an overwhelming pressure to embrace body positivity and to give your body 100% wholehearted acceptance. Rationally, you may feel resolute…
This is the third part of a four-part series about what you need to know to understand, manage and overcome comfort eating. If you are not sure wheth…
If you’ve never had an eating disorder or experienced a loved one struggling, then you may feel mystified, as to what can stop a person wanting to ea…
This is part of an ongoing series about what you need to know to overcome comfort eating. If you are not sure whether your overeating is comfort or ‘…
This is a four-part series about what you need to know to overcome comfort eating. If you are not sure whether your overeating is comfort or ‘emotion…
There is so much pressure on women, particularly younger women to look a certain way. It is fashionable to have botox, fillers or a gigantic bum, eve…
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