Living with mythomania: The impact on relationships
When someone with mythomania enters into a relationship, they often begin lying to their partner almost immediately. They may lie about their age, occupation, their past experiences, and even their feelings.

These lies can be small and seemingly harmless at first, but over time they can become more elaborate and harder to maintain. As the lies continue to build up, the person with mythomania may feel a sense of power and control as they manipulate their partner's emotions and beliefs.
Over time, the lies associated with mythomania can cause a breakdown in the relationship. The partner may begin to feel betrayed as they realise that they have been lied to repeatedly. They may also start to question the validity of everything that the mythomaniac person says, which can cause a breakdown in communication and intimacy. As the trust erodes, the relationship may become strained, and the partner may begin to withdraw emotionally.
In addition to lying, people with mythomania may exhibit other traits that can damage relationships. They may be manipulative, using their lies to control and manipulate their partner's behaviour. They may also lack empathy, as they focus solely on their own needs and desires. As a result, they may be unable to provide the emotional support and connection that their partner needs.
Treatment for mythomania
Mythomania is a complex condition that often requires professional treatment to address. There are several treatment options available, including therapy, medication, and support groups.
Therapy is a common treatment option for mythomania. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is often used to help people with mythomania learn to identify and change their thought patterns and behaviours. The therapy focuses on challenging the person's beliefs about lying and replacing them with more positive and healthy thoughts and behaviours.
Rebuilding relationships and regaining trust
If you or someone you know is struggling with mythomania, it is important to seek professional treatment as soon as possible. However, even with treatment, rebuilding relationships and regaining trust can be a long and difficult process.
The first step in rebuilding a relationship after mythomania is to be honest and open about the condition. The person with mythomania should be willing to acknowledge the harm that their lies have caused and take responsibility for their actions. They should also be willing to seek help and commit to changing their behaviour.
The next step is to work on rebuilding trust. This can be a slow and difficult process and may require the help of a therapist or counsellor. It is important for the person with mythomania to be consistent in their honesty and to follow through on their commitments. They should also be willing to listen to their partner's feelings and needs and work to meet them in a genuine way.
In addition to rebuilding trust, it may also be necessary to work on other aspects of the relationship. This may involve improving communication skills, practising empathy, and developing a stronger emotional connection. Couples therapy can be a helpful tool for addressing these issues and creating a plan for moving forward.
Ultimately, rebuilding a relationship after mythomania requires patience, commitment, and a willingness to work through the challenges. It is important for both partners to be supportive of each other and to communicate openly and honestly. With the right treatment and a strong commitment to change, it is possible to overcome the impact of mythomania on a relationship and rebuild a strong and healthy connection based on trust and honesty.
Mythomania is a complex condition that can cause a great deal of harm to relationships. The constant lying, manipulation, and lack of empathy associated with the condition can erode trust and cause emotional pain for both partners. However, with the right treatment and a commitment to change, it is possible to overcome the challenges of mythomania and rebuild a strong and healthy relationship based on honesty and trust. If you or someone you know is struggling with mythomania, seek professional help to begin the journey towards healing and recovery.