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What kind of response do we need from those close to us when we find ourselves getting upset over something ‘irrational’? Our upset or anger may be…
The Office for National Statistics [ONS} revealed at the start of the year that there was a 5% increase in the divorce rate. If we translate this int…
Traumatic loss and complicated grief often require meaningful purpose and resilience. Effective therapy supports individual meaning making processes.
Imagine that from the earliest you can remember you knew you were different. You wanted to play with toys that children of the other sex played with.…
From the moment you find out that you are pregnant, intense desires can be evoked to love and nurture your baby and to protect it from harmful experi…
Watching the achievements of the amazing young athletes at the Olympics the last few days has led me to think about the messages we give and receive…
I’ve been thinking about success, something that most of us strive for at one time or another, whether it is work-related, to do with our relationshi…
Some time ago I was listening to a programme on Radio 4 about parenting teenagers. One call from a listener brought a message which stuck with me; 'a…
Improve Low Self-esteem Self-esteem is a psychological term describing the evaluation someone has of their own worth. Our level of self-esteem follo…
You should consider if your therapist has sufficient qualifications, knowledge and experience of using CBT therapy. It is useful to check if your the…
This paper will focus on working with gender and sexual diversities (GSD). This is a more inclusive term for the more traditionally used LGBT (IQ) (l…
Change just goes on and on!!! It starts when we move from our mother’s womb into the world, then we change from a baby, to a child, to an adolescent…
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