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This article discusses an extended timeline for examining emotional life encompassing both the known and the unknown. It has been suggested that int…
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of five skills that, when recognised, understood and developed, will determine how effective (especially interpe…
The start of a new year is typically when many of us think about improving our lives. Losing weight, tackling low moods or anxious feelings, starting…
I've been thinking a lot about questions. We ask questions all the time, especially of those close to us, but we rarely stop and think about the ans…
When a relationship comes to an end it can be difficult to deal with the maelstrom of feelings that overtake you. Perhaps the person has known the en…
Step-by-step we venture into the snow, taking care, but focusing on moving forward and reaching our destination. Some may stumble and fall, resulting…
For anyone that has suffered bullying it can be very useful to know that when we are being bullied, we very often go into our 'limbic state'. In pri…
For those women or men that may feel that they are in a relationship with a Narcissist; if you are confused, unhappy and feel devalued in your intima…
Couples often find it difficult to come for help; it takes courage to let a therapist see how your relationship really is. However, it can help enorm…
“I can’t change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” These words were spoken by Jimmy Dean, country…
Sometimes in life we can feel down, low, tired and agitated, we begin to feel hopeless and start to neglect ourselves, losing interest in the things…
To know when to go away and when to come close is the key to any lasting relationship (Doménico Cieri Estrada) When a relationship is going through…
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